You see them everywhere. They’re completely adorable… but can you keep them alive? Join us this Saturday, September 15th from 11 AM until noon to get to know your plants, get inspired, and stay trendy! Already have plans this weekend? Learn some quick tips and tricks here to
keep your plants thriving at home.
Water – Soak bi-weekly in water for about 30 minutes, shaking off excess water. Light weekly misting is also encouraged. They are known for not needing a lot of water or moisture, so less is more with these beauties!
Light – Bright, filtered sunlight is best for air plants. They thrive in humid environments. Making a kitchen or bathroom the ideal home for them.
Place air plants anywhere in the home, even try hanging them on the wall or from the ceiling!
Water-Water only when the soil has dried out from the last watering, which you can check by pressing your finger into the soil; the soil is dry if no soil particles cling to your finger when you remove it. For some cacti, you might need to water weekly, while for others, watering every two to three weeks is all that’s needed.
Light – While the amount of light should be your first consideration when placing your cacti, temperature and humidity also play a role in the success of your houseplant. Most cacti like the low humidity and warm temps indoors, but tropical cacti prefer a bit more humidity. Place those cacti on a tray with pebbles that you keep constantly wet so the air around the plant stays humid. Avoid placing tropical cacti near heating vents.
Set plant on a saucer or dish to protect furniture from water.
Water – Overwatering – succulents are soft and discolored when overwatered. The leaves may be yellow or white and lose their color. A plant in this condition may be beyond repair, but you can still remove it from its pot and inspect the roots. If they are brown and rotted, cut away dead roots and repot into drier potting media, or take a cutting and propagate the parent plant. Underwatering – succulents prefer generous water when their soil has fully dried. An under-watered plant will first stop growing, then begin to shed leaves. Alternatively, the plant may develop brown spots on the leaves.
Light – Succulents prefer bright light, such as found on a south-facing window. Watch the leaves for indications that the light level is correct. Some species will scorch if suddenly exposed to direct sunlight. The leaves will turn brown or white as the plant bleaches out and the soft tissues are destroyed. Alternatively, an underlit succulent will begin to stretch, with an elongated stem and widely spaced leaves.
Set plant on a saucer or dish to protect furniture from water.